Why You Need a Barrow (or Two or Three…)
What role do barrows fill on the farm or homestead? It’s more important than you think!
Our KuneKune Preventative Care & Vaccination Program
Sharing our preventative care and vaccination regimen that we use on our farm.
First Impressions: Chickcozy Egg Incubator
A first impressions look at the new Chickcozy Egg Incubator! Could this be the best tabletop incubator on the market?
Feeding KuneKunes
Considerations for creating your KuneKune feeding program to ensure they are happy and healthy.
Pasture-raised KuneKune Pork Nutritional Benefits
Check out the nutritional benefits of pasture-raised KuneKune pork compared to commercial pork and why your next pork purchase should be from a KPPA certified farm.
KuneKune Temperatures
Knowing your KuneKune’s temperature is vital to good animal husbandry and understanding the health of your pig.
Review: ShelterLogic Small Livestock Portable Shelter
A review of the ShelterLogic Small Livestock Portable Shelter.
Virtual Farmhand
You can help out around the farm by becoming one of our virtual farmhands! Clicking the button below allows you to help feed our animals — ensuring they stay spoiled! If you choose to help, we’ll make a special, personalized post showing how and who you helped.