Understanding and Minimizing Rooting Behavior

KuneKune pigs are a unique and increasingly popular breed known for their friendly demeanor, small size, and charming personalities. Originally from New Zealand, these pigs were traditionally raised by the indigenous Māori people and are now cherished as companion animals and sustainable livestock all over the world. Despite their many appealing traits, one common challenge faced by KuneKune pig owners is managing their rooting behavior. Understanding why pigs root and implementing strategies to minimize it can help you reach your goals while reducing unwanted pasture or lawn damage.

Why Do Pigs Root?

Cookie (AKKPS 34277) showing off her dirty face!

It's a common misconception that KuneKunes don't root. This is simply not true. Sure, some do it more than others, and some may not do it at all. However, rooting is a natural behavior of all pig breeds. They use their strong snouts to dig into the soil in search of food such as roots, insects, and other tasty treats. Rooting also serves as an outlet for their natural curiosity and intelligence, offering them the chance to explore their environment and engage in problem-solving. Physically, it provides exercise that helps strengthen their snouts and neck muscles, contributing to overall fitness. This behavior mimics the challenges they would encounter in the wild, making it an essential part of their well-being when managed appropriately. However, this behavior can be problematic for owners who wish to maintain a well-kept lawn or avoid damage to specific areas of their property.

KuneKunes are generally less prone to rooting than other pig breeds due to their preference for grazing and their shorter, upturned snouts, which are less suited for deep digging. Unlike wild pigs and breeds typically associated with commercial production that often display more intense rooting behaviors, KuneKunes have adapted to thrive on grazing. This grazing-focused behavior aligns with their anatomy and reduces the necessity to root extensively for food. Thriving on a diet rich in grasses and vegetation satisfies their innate grazing instincts, reducing the likelihood of rooting in search of supplemental food. Nonetheless, some individuals may still root, especially if their dietary, environmental, or enrichment needs are not fully met.

Strategies to Minimize Rooting

If rooting behavior becomes an issue, there are several steps you can take to minimize or prevent it while still ensuring your KuneKune pigs are happy and healthy.

  1. Provide Ample Grazing Opportunities

    • KuneKune pigs are natural grazers. Ensuring they have access to a lush pasture with plenty of grass can significantly reduce their desire to root. Rotational grazing can help maintain healthy regrowth and prevent overgrazing. This involves dividing your pasture into smaller sections and allowing your pigs to graze one section at a time while the other sections recover. It also helps to reduce the risk of bare patches that might encourage rooting, especially after rain.

  2. Offer a Balanced Diet

    • A well-balanced diet is essential to curb rooting caused by hunger or nutritional deficiencies. Supplement their grazing with high-quality pig feed, fresh vegetables, and occasional fruits. Avoid overfeeding, as obesity can lead to health problems in KuneKunes.

  3. Use Rooting Deterrents

    • Some owners use physical deterrents, such as nose rings, to discourage rooting. While this method can be effective in reducing unwanted rooting, it is not a fool-proof method of prevention. It also discourages a natural instinct, which may be stressful to your pigs. Using nose rings is not something we recommend or practice on our farm and it’s essential to consult a veterinarian before considering this option and explore less invasive alternatives first.

  4. Provide Enrichment Activities

    • Rooting is often a sign of boredom or lack of stimulation. Enrichment activities, such as puzzle feeders, treat-dispensing toys, or hidden snacks, can keep your pigs engaged and reduce their desire to root.

  5. Designate a Rooting Area

    • If rooting is unavoidable, consider designating a specific area where your pigs are allowed to root freely. This approach satisfies their natural instincts while protecting the rest of your property.

  6. Monitor and Address Stressors

    • Stress can trigger or exacerbate rooting behavior. Ensure your pigs have adequate shelter, companionship, and protection from predators. A calm and secure environment can reduce stress-related rooting.

  7. Provide a Wallow and Shade

    • Pigs may root to find relief from the hot sun, as the ground can feel cooler and, when wet, provides a natural wallow. To curb this behavior, you can create a designated wallow in a location of your choice and ensure they have ample shade to escape the heat. These measures not only reduce rooting but also promote their comfort and well-being during warm weather.  

Additional Notes and Observations

Based on our experience raising KuneKunes, we've noticed that younger pigs tend to root more frequently, so there's a chance some pigs will grow out of this behavior. It's also worth noting that the type of grass and pasture you provide could be another factor to managing rooting behavior. Some grasses and forbs contain higher concentrations of carbohydrates (sugar) in their roots, making them especially attractive to pigs once discovered. These sugar levels can increase significantly after overnight frost cycles, which may lead to seasonal spikes in rooting behavior. To manage this, you might provide alternative enrichment activities during frost-prone periods, such as scattering hay or using treat-filled toys to redirect their energy. Additionally, you can turn rooting into an advantage. For example, we’ve successfully utilized smaller groups of pigs to prepare land for gardening, eliminating the need for manual ground-breaking, tilling, or fertilizing.

Pigs breaking ground on a new flower garden!


KuneKune pigs possess so many wonderful traits, but managing their rooting behavior can be challenging at times. By better understanding this instinctive behavior and implementing practical strategies, you can ensure your pigs remain healthy and happy while reducing unwanted rooting—or even turn it into a benefit. Success comes when you find the perfect balance between addressing undesirable behaviors while enhancing the overall well-being of your KuneKunes.

Gus (AKKPS 37852) taking a break after some serious rooting.


Keeping Water from Freezing for KuneKune Pigs: Tips and Tricks


KuneKune Bloodlines