Our First Chicken Hatch of 2022

We’re currently incubating 54(!) eggs and in 13 days, we’ll know the results of our first ever chicken hatch! Three days ago we candled all the eggs and are anticipating a high percentage hatch rate.

We plan on keeping some, trading some, and selling some for local pick-up in Wisconsin. This is our first time selling chicks and we’re looking forward to all the lessons we’ll be learning. This will be a unique hatch that includes a variety, or “barnyard mix”, of possible chicks.

The assortment of chicks will include:

  • Ameraucanas

  • Araucanas

  • Olive Eggers (Ameraucans + Marans)

  • French Black Copper Marans

Since this is our first time hatching and there’s a lot we don’t know yet, we’ll likely start with selling straight run chicks at $10/each. It will be hard to tell, but all the more exciting, to see what color eggs these chicks will end up laying! The hens were bred with one of three possible roosters: Ameraucana, Araucana, or a French Black Copper Maran.

You can Sign Up on the product page in our online store to be notified when the chicks have hatched and are in stock. If you want to be added to our Reserve list, send us an email at sales@allenandemily.com with your name and desired quantity and we’ll do our best to accommodate and stay in touch.


Say Hello to Loki


Saturday Surprise!