Saturday Surprise!

We couldn’t have picked a better way to start our Saturday or our new website!

After we both asked each other “Have you seen Maple yet?” a slight amount of panic and fear began to sink in. We’ve had a recent streak of bad luck in which not seeing one of our animals first thing in the morning, means something bad had happened overnight. Not today!

Anytime we approach our pasture, our sheep immediately come running out to us. We were instantly greeted by Betty, Mara, and Odin. Maple was hesitant to leave the building. As we began to approach, she finally came running towards us. Nothing seemed unusual otherwise. Then she turned and started running ahead of us back to the building instead of fighting for the treats Emily was carrying. That’s when we saw it, signs that she had her baby! After not having shown any of the traditional signs that she was about to give birth in the days preceding, this came as a shock! Unfortunately, the panic didn't stop as we approached the building. It was clear something had happened last night; blood on the hay and on Maple. Still though, even after circling their building, there were no signs of a living lamb. Then, Emily looked behind the hay feeder and there he was, our newest little ram!

Maple, a black Icelandic sheep, and her new twi-color ram lamb.

Maple and her new ram lamb!

We’re so proud of Maple for having a problem-free, unassisted, natural birth. She’s also being a fantastic mother — feeding the baby and ensuring he is licked clean. He came a little unexpected so we haven’t finalized a name as of the time of this posting, but we’re looking forward to sharing more about the new addition to our flock in the coming days, weeks, and (fingers crossed) years!


Our First Chicken Hatch of 2022