Homemade Chick Feed Mix to Minimize Pasty Butt

I wanted to share the recipe we use for feeding our new born chicks. This was passed down to us by my mom who has been successfully raising chicks way longer than us and in a much larger quantity. While you can readily find Chicken Starter feed in any farm store, we have found the crumble to be slightly too large for new born chicks leading to a higher chance of pasty butt. With the following recipe, we have yet to experience the dreaded, and dangerous, pasty butt.

Mix the following in a blender until it’s a gritty powder — not too fine but not too “chunky”:

  • 2 Cups Chicken Starter food

  • 2 Cups Rolled Oats

  • 1 Cup Corn Meal

  • 1/2 Cup Meal Worms


Following the initial one to two weeks of feeding our newborn chicks with this specially crafted homemade feed, we transition to using standard Chicken Starter food without the additional ingredients or blending. This transition continues until the chicks reach the age of 16-18 weeks old. At this point, we adjust their diet once again, opting for a more suitable Layer or All Flock "adult" food, depending on the specific type of poultry we are raising. This careful dietary progression supports the chicks' growth and development at each stage, ensuring they receive the nutrients necessary for a healthy and thriving life.

Does anyone else do any kind of special diet for their new born or younger chicks that they’ve found works well? Please share in the comments below!


Results of our First Hatch of 2022!


Say Hello to Loki